Member of the Month, September – Jenny Mourad

Septembers member BCITMA member of the month Jenny Mourad is in the 2nd year marketing communications program at BCIT, Burnaby Campus. Jenny is not just diligent with her schoolwork but goes beyond by playing an active role in the BCITMA, being a Director in Silent Auction, she is also an active member in the MA’s communication committee while serving as an after-hours Tutor in English to help other students with studies.

Q1: How did you end up getting involved in marketing?

Answer: So the first year I wasn’t actively involved in any extracurricular. I was very overwhelmed with school and thought that getting involved in the MA was too much. So this year, I really wanted to change that. I knew that the MA was a really great networking group on campus. Likewise, my friend Beth was in the MA and responsible for organizing the event Schmoozapalooza. I knew I wanted to get involved in Schmooze, which is an important event where the MA brings students and industry professionals together to network. So all that culminated into me joining.

Q2: What are you looking to get out of the MA?

Answer: Other than the experience that comes with being part of the MA, I’m getting experience with the silent auction, And then, honestly, the connections that come with being in the club, especially now with second year, where we will be actively looking for jobs. And it’s definitely known that, like, if you’re in the MA, and take an active role you can stand out more.

Q3: Your title in the MA The director of silent Auction, what are the responsible that come with that?

Answer: Basically, my responsibilities of being a director is essentially being in charge of my committee. And what the committee and I do together is we collect, and we collect donations from students, faculty, businesses, all in the name of getting those donations for the Carol Nelson Endowment Fund, basically, all the donations we get, will be auctioned off. And the money from that will go to helping BCIT students with their bursaries. So basically, my role is just facilitating my team, helping my team get those items, and then also working on getting items myself. I’m just making sure everyone is aware of what’s going on and getting those cool things that we can sell.

Q4: What piece of advice would you give students that are cautious to join clubs like that of the BCITMA?

Answer: Yeah, that’s a good question. Because that was definitely me. I think the number one piece of advice I would say is that you can join and take on as much as you feel comfortable with. So if you think that you want to take more on and you want to and you want to be in a leadership position. There are positions for you. And if you’re thinking I have seven classes, I’m already overwhelmed. I can donate maybe three hours of my time, there’s a position for you, too. So it’s flexible in terms of how much effort and how much time you have to give per week. I think if that had been like really hammered into me the first year, maybe I would have been more open to participating because it really is a great thing to be involved in. And at BCIT we see it like there’s so much going on. But I think we shouldn’t forget that like, grades are great and everything but overall there’s so many cool experiences we can have here and it’s unlike anything else. So take advantage of those extracurriculars and opportunities that come your way.

Q5: Which would you pour into a bowl first? Milk or cereal?

Answer: Cereal. Yeah. Although I don’t eat cereal. But definitely cereal. I don’t understand people who doesn’t make

Q6: Friends or How I Met Your Mother?

Answer: Definitely friends over How I Met Your Mother. I loved How I Met Your Mother until the final season. The final episode was so terrible to me and the way it was writing that I vowed to never watch it again because they just destroyed all the character arcs and I’m very passionate about this question. So friends.

Q7: What’s your preferred morning beverage?

Answer: I drink coffee with a splash of cream and a dash of cinnamon.

Thank you Thyme Stidworthy for conducting this interview! This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.


September at a Glance


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