• Benjamin Kravchenko


    Contact Benjamin

  • Renée McGrath

    Vice President

    Contact Renée

  • Lucas Macculloch

    Vice President of Operations

    Contact Lucas

    The Operations Committee is the lead coordinator in charge of all important data and activities within the BCITMA. Throughout the year, Operations members will ensure that everything is in order by setting up and overseeing critical communications within the MA. Members of this committee are self-motivated, ambitious, and organized individuals. They show strong interpersonal skills and have the ability to work in an effective manner. If you would like to play a role in coordinating and scheduling club operations then we would love to have you part of this committee!

  • Camila Parenti

    Vice President of Digital Marketing

    Contact Camila

    The Digital Marketing Committee builds the BCITMA website, handles all social media postings/campaigns, and finds new ways of marketing our club in the online world. Staying up to date with current trends, improvements, and changes in the industry is a few of the many responsibilities students can take on in this committee. If you are passionate about keeping up with current trends on social media or website designing this is the committee for you!

  • Shaelyn Vocat

    Vice President of Creative & Branding

    Contact Shaelyn

    The Creative and Branding committee creates and designs creative assets in collaboration with other BCITMA committees to promote upcoming events and projects using tools like Canva. This committee is geared towards those who want to express their inner creative and learn skills that will help them in the industry. No prior experience is required; all that's needed is an eye for detail and a passion for creativity!

  • Nicole Geronimo & Jacky Tang

    Vice Presidents of Professional Development

    Contact Nicole & Jacky

    The Professional Development Committee is here to ensure that all BCITMA members are provided with top-level activities and learning opportunities to prepare themselves for the industry. This committee helps seek out educational workshops, training sessions, and seminars where MA members can apply their marketing skills. Members of the Professional Development Committee are required to be outgoing and work well with other members in leadership roles. There will be opportunities to reach out to industry professionals, therefore strong communication skills are an asset!

  • Genie Luong

    Vice President of Finance

    Contact Genie

    The Finance Committee’s goal is to provide accurate and up-to-date financial records to make strategic decisions, ensure accountability, and provide financial transparency to key stakeholders. The committee prepares and presents financial reports to officers, members, corporate sponsors, and other stakeholders to provide valuable information about BCITMA’s operations and financial position.

  • Cristobal Rodriguez

    Vice President of Sponsorship

    Contact Cristobal

    The Sponsorship Committee helps the BCITMA sources internal and external resources. Through connecting with different companies and building relationships with contacts, sponsorship hopes to acquire money, donations, or anything with monetary value, in order to support the functionality of the BCITMA. We hope to build a strong team and help new and existing members gain the experience necessary for success within the club, BCIT, and the future.

  • Taylor Gillespie

    Vice President of Membership

    Contact Taylor

    The main goal of the Membership Committee is to recruit students to become new BCITMA members through events like Clubs Day and Marketing Week. This committee organizes the process of receiving new members and informing them with updates and with current members of the BCITMA. When it comes to current members, the VP of the committee accounts for all member’s hours to measure the level of success through member contributions.

  • Julia Devito

    Vice President of Community Relations

    Contact Julia

    The Community Relations Committee serves as the heart of the BCITMA. Members are given the opportunity to give back to the community and support important causes through the committee. Through volunteerism, fundraising, and special projects and initiatives, members work with local organizations to show their appreciation for the local community and the people in it. Expect fundraisers of all sizes, consulting projects, and social impact causes.

  • Nigel Davies & Sharon Chang

    Vice Presidents of Consulting

    Contact Nigel & Sharon

    The Consulting Committee is a student-run business management and consulting team. Our mission is to provide industry-standard work for clients, all while developing individual skills and providing real-life applications for the members. The Consulting Committee partners with BCIT clubs, businesses, and start-ups each year to help give and share marketing knowledge and skills.

  • Kyla Mutschmann

    Vice President of Mentorship

    Contact Kyla

    The purpose of the Mentorship committee is to create and help formulate expectations for the second-year. Developing this relationship can help both parties to learn new things, build networks and grow as professionals. This committee focuses on creating long-lasting relationships with BCIT students, and provides advice on various topics such as school-life balance, leadership, and group work. Using knowledge and experiences from second-year students to help ease apprehensions and offer advice on overall education navigation.

  • Kaysey Ho

    Vice President of Regional Conference

    Contact Kaysey

    The main purpose of the Regional Conference Committee is to organize the Annual Regional Conference (ARC). Committee members will assist the Vice President in organizing this event, which will be located at the BCIT downtown campus, and include Industry speakers, booths from sponsors, and competitions.

  • Ryan Khorrami

    Vice President of Events

    Contact Ryan

    The Events Committee is perfect for you if you have a passion for planning, hosting, and executing events. This committee is responsible for creating multiple events throughout the year for members and BCIT peers to enjoy. The responsibilities of this committee consist of hosting virtual social networking events and providing professional development events for members.

  • Nick Maggio

    Vice President of Schmoozapalooza

    Contact Nick

    The Schmoozapalooza Committee focuses on the development of the largest annual networking event organized by the BCITMA. This event offers second-year BCIT Marketing Communications students the opportunity to connect with industry professionals prior to beginning their internships in March. First-year students interested in the Marketing Communications option who volunteer will have an inside look at the event before their own internships next year. Join this committee to foster meaningful connections with industry professionals and put your event planning to the test!


    Case Leads

    Contact the Mahdiyar and Dominik

    The Case Competition is the American Marketing Association's (AMA) most prestigious competition hosted during The International Collegiate Conference (ICC). This year, over 200 institutions across North and South America compete in the competition for a spot to present their project at ICC. As such, the BCITMA Case Team will work diligently throughout the fall semester to prepare an integrated marketing campaign worthy of placing in the top ten and earning a coveted trip to the ICC in New Orleans.

  • Erica Halvorsen

    Faculty Advisor